How to Make Print Ready Files in Photoshop CC

當您在Photoshop中建立文件時,不會以空白版面開始,而是可以從AdobeStock選擇多種範本。範本包含您可以建立以完成專案的資產及插圖。,Thispagecoversinstructionsonperformingthefollowing:DocumentsetupusingboththeImageSizeandCanvasSizemenu;Alteringdocument ...。參考影片的文章的如下:


使用範本和預設集,在Photoshop 中建立文件

當您在Photoshop 中建立文件時,不會以空白版面開始,而是可以從Adobe Stock 選擇多種範本。範本包含您可以建立以完成專案的資產及插圖。

Photoshop Basics: Document Setup & Resolution

This page covers instructions on performing the following: Document setup using both the Image Size and Canvas Size menu; Altering document ...

How to Photoshop Documents

To learn how to Photoshop documents, open Photoshop and click on the File Menu. You then select New Document. Here, a new document dialog box will appear.

PSD 是什麼檔案以及如何開啟這種檔案?

Photoshop 文件(Photoshop Document) 功能強大,是設計師和藝術家儲存和創作影像資料最常使用的格式。 PSD 通常能以高解析度儲存多個圖層、影像和物件,使其成為創作者採用的業界標準格式。 PSD 的高度和寬度支援高達30,000 像素,有助於檔案呈現豐富的影像深度和色彩飽和度。

PSD:如何使用Photoshop 文件和PSD 文件

PSD 是Adobe Photoshop 用來儲存分層圖像的一種檔格式。它保留了圖層、蒙版和其他編輯元素,從而實現了靈活的圖像編輯和操作。PSD 檔案廣泛用於平面設計、Web 開發和 ...

What is photoshop large document format (PSB)?

PSB stands for Photoshop Large Document Format. This format is designed for images that are too large to be saved as regular photoshop document (.PSD) files. If ...

How to Create New Documents in Photoshop

To create a new document in Photoshop, we use the New Document dialog box, and there are a few ways to get to it.

Saving Your Project

To save an image from Photoshop, select File menu > Save As. In the popup window, select the Removable Drive/USB Drive, give the file a descriptive name.

How to create a document in Adobe Photoshop the easy way.

How to create a document in Adobe Photoshop for the very first time.


當您在Photoshop中建立文件時,不會以空白版面開始,而是可以從AdobeStock選擇多種範本。範本包含您可以建立以完成專案的資產及插圖。,Thispagecoversinstructionsonperformingthefollowing:DocumentsetupusingboththeImageSizeandCanvasSizemenu;Alteringdocument ...,TolearnhowtoPhotoshopdocuments,openPhotoshopandclickontheFileMenu.YouthenselectNewDocument.Here,anewdocumentdialogboxwillappear.,Photoshop文件(Pho...